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7:8 Concepts Masterclass

  • 5 Steps


This is a course about the 7:8 concepts. We will dive deep in various rhythms, grooves and fills in 7:8. I will guide you step by step through this course. 🟠 In Part 1, I will focus primarily on getting you comfortable counting various rhythms in 7:8. Once we get comfortable with this, we build on some independence exercises to get you ready for Part 2. 🟠 In Part 2, I will focus primarily on getting you comfortable with playing an ostinato and applying various bass drum rhythms underneath the ostinato. 🟠 In Part 3, I will focus primarily on various grooves and minor fills. These are definitely some SPICY examples, but very fun to play. Finally some of these examples will be very tricky, so please take your time with each example.

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