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Rudiment Creativity Vol. 2: Flams and Drags is the continuation of the previous book, Rudiment Creativity Vol. 1: Rolls and Paradiddles. Its primary goal is to achieve your maximum potential as a player and performer while increasing your musicianship. As in the previous volume, we will utilize various methods in order to maximize the concepts involved in the book; however, the primary focus in this volume will be on the flam and drag rudiment families. While there are some new methods/concepts in this volume, a lot of the methods introduced in the previous book will also overlap into this volume. Nonetheless, there are great new tips, suggestions, and interpretation guides to help you achieve maximum flexibility when performing these various rudiments on and off the drum set. More importantly, my goal for this book and the previous book is to (hopefully) guide you out of a rut and inspire you to explore new methods, combine all the rudiments musically, and most importantly, give you some creative and practical applications of the rudiments while springboarding the use of your own creativity. In order to maximize results, I highly recommend studying out of both books to develop your own ideas, concepts, and creativity. As always, remember to take the examples slowly, play with a metronome, play alongside music, and have fun while practicing. Enjoy the book, and let’s get creative.

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